Case studies

See what we can achieve together with examples from our portfolio

2.5x higher effectiveness among leaders

Creating a team and dependency structure between leaders and teams, introduced new ways of how leaders report and goals they achieve, which increased effectiveness 2.5x in half a year.

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Team efficiency increased to 95%

Increasing team efficiency to 95% in 4 months by introducing accountability rules for leaders and their teams in terms of achieved goals.

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Operating costs reduced by 15%

Reducing the company's operating costs by 15% due to proper separation of duties and responsibilities, changing the structure and reporting of leaders.

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Team growth from 20 to 250 people in 1.5 years

Growing a team from 20 to 250 people in 4 locations in 1.5 years through effective recruitment aligned with the specifics of the cryptocurrency industry.

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Recruitment process shorter by 86 days

Reducing recruitment time from 128 to 42 days and building a 50-person branch in Poland with an effective recruitment process tailored to the company's roles and needs.

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