Creating a team and dependency structure between leaders and teams, introduced new ways of how leaders report and goals they achieve, which increased effectiveness 2.5x in half a year.
Growing a team from 20 to 250 people in 4 locations in 1.5 years through effective recruitment aligned with the specifics of the cryptocurrency industry.
Reducing recruitment time from 128 to 42 days and building a 50-person branch in Poland with an effective recruitment process tailored to the company's roles and needs.
The HR Hints team offers only the methods that they’re using and are proven to work, improving your company’s efficiency.
A good example of a reliable system is the way Romans built triumphal arches. The builder stood under the bridge when the scaffolding was taken apart. That’s how Roza and HR Hints work. They offer only the methods that they’re using and are proven to work, improving your company’s efficiency.
They’re kind, mindful and open, but keep away from wish-wash and cliches. One of our managers said that the workshop that HR Hints run for us were the best ones he’s ever taken part in. And that doesn’t surprise me. A mix of business understanding, HR and psychology is rare, and the HR Hints team has that.
Marcin Kurek
Managing Partner
Market One Capital
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HR Hints understands the specifics of the client and delivers great results.
I highly recommend working with Roza and HR Hints! Extensive experience in the technology industry allows them to understand the specifics of clients and deliver great results.
Tessa McIver
Community Manager
Warsaw Equity Group
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HR Hints - they were professional and a pleasure to work with from start to finish.
The HR Hints team supported recruitment and ran a workshop for our companies in the Warsaw Equity Group. The reception from the participants was excellent. They really know their stuff and are responsive, communicative and proactive. Highly recommended!
Tomasz Swieboda
Managing Partner
Inovo Venture Partners
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The whole process was led in a very transparent way, with listening to feedback, great quality of contacts and constant exchange of opinions and points of view. We definitely got all and more than we expected.
We have worked with Roza from HR Hints on hiring the Inovo team. The experience, market knowledge and understanding of the startup environment were noticeable, which is a great value for us as a VC fund. The whole process was led in a very transparent way, with listening to feedback, great quality of contacts and constant exchange of opinions and points of view. I really liked the level of understanding of our culture. And I always appreciate the proud goal to find the best person who will – on one hand – perfectly match the team and – on the other hand – will add much to Inovo’s company growth.
We are ambitious and rely heavily on our partners, trusting their broad HR knowledge and expertise. We definitely got all and more than we expected.
Witold Chochol
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I'm sure that Norbert's knowledge and experience will benefit every organization.
Norbert has supported our company in crucial aspects of organizational development and management. As CEO, I worked with Norbert directly and witnessed his impact on my company.
The key ones for me were: organizing the structure and responsibilities, resolving interpersonal conflicts, developing top management's communication skills.
I highly recommend HR Hints as experts in company growth, scaling culture, change management, operations, and conflict resolution.
Michal Blak
CEO & Co-founder
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I was a staunch opponent of outsourcing until working with HR Hints. If you are looking for support with team building or creating an effective culture - this is the best address.
HR Hints' strength is its team of experienced recruitment and workplace culture experts who have worked for both fast-growing technology companies and traditional businesses. For companies of different scales and maturity. With the tools and practices that HR Hints has brought to edrone and the support of Kasia as interim Head of People & Culture, we have been able to build a strong and consistent culture that our people identify with.
Let's talk!
See how quickly we can boost your team's efficiency
Book a free 30-minute consultation or email us.
We're here to boost business efficiency
How do we work?
Measurable and data-driven HR solutions
Like in sales, product or marketing, our HR solutions are based on ROI-driven metrics, which build predictability.
Hands-on approach
We do not leave you with a “to-do” list. We go through it, organizing processes and implementing measures and tools in your organization.
Outcome-based rather than hourly billing
Like all your employees, we are responsible for the results of our work.
Your dedicated Partner with a team of 20+ experts
With experience as founders and knowledge in psychology, law, sales and product.
Our method of building business effectiveness by organizing and measuring its People area. Proven effective in 150+ companies in Poland, Europe and the US. A book explaining it in detail was released in the US in 2023.
See how quickly we can boost your team's efficiency
Book a free 30-minute consultation or email us.
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